Meet our Plenary Speakers
Tom has a passion for connecting innovation to societal needs for the benefit of people and planet. He is an Advisor with the Food System 6 organization, a Member of the Sustainability Council of the 2Blades Foundation and a Principal Consultant with Technology Innovation Group. He volunteers his time and expertise to various UC Davis programs and affiliated companies. Tom is a serial entrepreneur and founder of both for-profit and non-profit organizations including Eliance Biotechnology–acquired by MacroGenics (MGNX), and the Citrus Research Development Foundation. Dr. Turpen has published numerous scientific articles and book chapters, and has been issued patents in four different technology areas. His synthetic biology research contributed to the understanding and design of disease resistance traits in agriculture and helped pioneer the use of plant biomass for industrial biotechnology applications including self-assembling nanoparticles, vaccines and pharmaceuticals at Zoecon Research Institute (Sandoz Crop Protection), Biosource and Large Scale Biology. He is a registered patent agent and is skilled at mapping intellectual property, competitive landscapes, research portfolios and markets. Tom has served as a director of early stage life science companies and as an appointed volunteer in several institutional and civic advisory committees. He is currently a member of the National Academies' Study Committee providing assistance to the California Department of Food and Agriculture Pierce's Disease/Glassy-Winged Sharp Shooter Board on Grapevine Viruses and Grapevine Disease Research. He was elected a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science in 2017. He received his Ph.D. in Plant Pathology from the University of California at Riverside. Currently with Sensit Ventures, Inc., he is leading an effort to commercialize an amazing electronic sniffer widget, a MEMS-based ion mobility spectrometer the size of a coin.
Philip W. T. Pong received a B.Eng. from the University of Hong Kong (HKU) in 2002 with 1st class honours. Then he obtained a PhD in engineering at the University of Cambridge in 2005. He was a postdoctoral researcher at the Magnetic Materials Group at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) for three years. Currently he is an Associate Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT). His research interest focuses on the fault detection, predictive maintenance, and anomaly detection of power grid. He is the Founding Director of the Green Technology Research and Training Laboratory, leading the research and education activities of offshore wind energy at NJIT. Philip Pong is a Fellow of the Institution of Engineering and Technology (FIET), a Fellow of the Institute of Physics (FInstP), a Fellow of the Energy Institute (FEI), a Fellow of the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining (FIMMM), a Fellow of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (FHKIE), a Fellow of the NANOSMAT Society (FNS), a chartered physicist (CPhys), a chartered engineer (CEng), a chartered energy engineer, a registered professional engineer (R.P.E. in Electrical, Electronics, Energy), and a Senior Member of IEEE (SMIEEE). He serves on the editorial boards for several IEEE and SCI journals.
Prof. Chaouki is full professor from 1995 at Polytechnique, Montréal. He is affiliated professor at UM6P where he is spending his sabbatical right now. He published more than 450 articles in refereed journals and more than 320 in different reviewed proceedings and more than 450 other scientific articles and edited 34 books. He has 42 patents on different processes. He is member of the Canadian Academy of Engineering. He received many awards. He received the R.S. Jane Memorial Award in 2018 for an exceptional achievement to the field of chemical engineering or industrial chemistry in Canada and last year the “Excellence in Research and Innovation Awards†at Polytechnique. He also received the SCI Kalev Pugi Award and Honoris Genius 2021 Innovation from OIQ. He is world- renowned consultant for at least 20 national and international companies. He is internationally recognized for his skills in process development and scale-up. He has created 6 start-ups with his students (the last are Pyrowave, Ecolomondo, RMTech and PyroCycle). He is Principal Chaire Holder of Total Group in hydrodynamic modeling of multiphase processes at extreme conditions and Joined Laboratory with OCP-UM6P. His work is mainly dedicaded to develop processes from waste, biomass and complex feedstocks to heat & power, fuels and chemicals. Web Site:
Helena Belchior Rocha has a PhD in Social Work, is an Assistant professor at ISCTE- University Institute of Lisbon in the Department of Political Science and Public Policies and deputy director of the Soft Skills Laboratory. Integrated researcher at CIES, Centre for Research and Studies in Sociology, linked to national and international research projects, namely 2 from Marie Curie Actions. Author of papers and communications at national and international congresses, in the areas of environment, sustainability, community Intervention, ethics, human rights, social policies and Well-being, social work theory and methodology, education and soft skills. Member of the Editorial Board of national/international journals.
Professor Mohamed TAHIRI is currently Full professor of supramolecular chemistry, spectroscopy, composite materials, electroplating techniques, Economical Impact on environmental, water and environmental engineering, biomass and biogas, Climate change, innovation and sustainable entrepreneurship. Since January 2010, he has held the Innovation Chair and TTO at Hassan II University in Casablanca. He coordinated the Erasmus + Yabda project from 2017 to 2021 ( and represented the University in the other Tempus projects OSMOSE, BUCUM and Erasmus + INSITE, SALEEM. In his faculty, he holds a Bachelor's degree in sanitation management in urban and rural areas since 2009 till now. Since 2020, He’s Director of Research Laboratory at Hassan II University of Casablanca (Organic Synthesis, Extraction and Valorisation: SOEVLab) He’s International Expert with UNIDO (Vien) 2012: Bioenergy, Water and Environment Management, Applied Chemistry It conducts R&D in partnership with various industries. He is part of the national network of experts in environmental economics with whom he has carried out an economic evaluation of the damage and inefficiencies caused to the environment. He has been awarded: Hassan II Prize for the Environment in 2009, AFP Washington Prize 2012, University-Business Competitiveness Prize 2014, InnovTex Prize 2019 and 2021. Professor Mohamed TAHIRI has provided several technical training and workshops in several African countries (Chad, Ivory Coast, Burkina Faso, Gabon, DRC, Tunisia, Egypt, Algeria, …. Professor is now the holder of 4 research & development projects funded by different organizations (MESRSI, MCINTND, IRESEN, LYDEC) He holds 5 invention patents He has published more than 40 general and research articles, organized international meetings and conferences in Morocco (PRIDE Morocco 2007: International Conference on Renewable Energies and Water Technologies in partnership with the Chamber of Commerce and Navigation of Almeria Spain; MENA Symposium on Environmental Analysis and Economic Valuation, Marrakech 2009). Professor Mohamed TAHIRI has widely consulted in the fields of applied chemistry, environmental accounting, eco-efficiency and eco-management, chemical risks, environmental engineering and climate change ; treatment of domestic and industrial wastewater, biogas and biomass; …etc. He led the research team on the organoleptic properties of raw water deserving of Grand Casablanca. Pr. TAHIRI has been a senior consultant for multinational and national companies, particularly in water treatment technologies, electroplating processes, applied chemistry, recycling and waste recovery, detergency, sustainable entrepreneurship and innovation, sustainable development, etc.
Lingai Luo received her PhD degree (1991) in Mechanic and Thermal Engineering from National Polytechnic Institute of Lorraine (INPL), Nancy, France. She worked as Associate Professor at University of Nancy I and at INPL, France. From 2003 until 2012, she was a full Professor at University of Savoie, France. She is now Senior Research Director of French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) at the Laboratory of Thermo-kinetics, Nantes (LTN), France. She is the author of 2 books and over 100 journal articles. She was the Head of Laboratory of Design Optimization and Environmental Engineering (LOCIE) of CNRS and University of Savoie. She was the Co-founder and Coordinator of Sino-French Collaboratory for Environmental and Process Engineering and is the Head of its successor Sino-French Laboratory for Sustainable Energy of French CNRS and Chinese Academy of Sciences. She is also an invited Professor at 5 Chinese universities/ institutions, and Leuphana University at Lüneburg, Germany. She is Editor-in-Chief of a new journal, Heat Exchangers, Subject Editor for the topic “Energy and Buildings†of Elsevier journal Energy, and Member of Editorial Board of Renewable Energy, and Associate Editor of Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering.
Professor Michael Leung Kwok-hi is the Associate Provost (Academic Affairs), Shun Hing Education and Charity Fund Professor of Energy and Environment, Professor in the School of Energy and Environment, and the Director of the Ability R&D Energy Research Centre in City University of Hong Kong. His current research interests include solar photocatalysis, marine antifouling, fuel cells, and advanced refrigeration and air-conditioning. He has published over 220 journal papers, and 18 books or book chapters, and has been granted 10 patents. He was listed as the Top 2% of the world’s most highly cited scientists according to metrics compiled by Stanford University in 2022 and 2021. He is also listed as Highly Cited Researcher in 2018 by Clarivate Analytics, which recognizes world-class researchers selected for their exceptional research performance and The Most Cited Scholar in Energy Science and Engineering by Shanghai Ranking Consultancy, in collaboration with Elsevier. Other recent awards include the 2022 Inventions Geneva Evaluation Days (IGED) Silver Medal on “Nano-Photocatalytic Marine Antifouling/Anticorrosion Paint (NanoMA2P)â€, HKIE Best Transactions Paper Prize (Mechanical) in 2022 and 2021, 2020 Hong Kong Green Innovations Award(Merit Award) on Nano-Photocatalytic Marine Antifouling Paint, CityU President’s Award in 2016, the Technology Project Award (City-level) by the Shenzhen City Technology and Innovation Committee in 2017, and the Hong Kong Awards for Industries in 2018 and 2019. He is the Board of Directors (China Representative) of International Solar Energy Society (ISES). He is the Editor-in-Chief of HKIE Transactions and serving in the Editorial Board of SCI journal, Applied Energy.
Prof. Al-Khatib has experience in a wide range of areas including water recourses management and quality, renewable and sustainable energy, environmental assessment, wastewater management, advocacy, coordination and networking. Al-Khatib has an extended experience in the development and carrying research and evaluation projects, professional work experience in water resources management, environmental impact assessment, environmental monitoring, training and evaluation of medical waste, solid waste, waste to energy, climate change, water and sanitation and urban environment projects. He is an expert in social and environmental health, promoting environmental public awareness through training, organizing and conducting awareness campaigns and workshops in environmental education and health.
Dr. Kenza Maher serves as a Scientist at the Qatar Environment and Energy Research Institute (QEERI) since January 2015. With over 12 years of dedicated experience in battery energy storage R&D, her expertise lies in crafting secure and dependable materials for both Li-ion and Na-ion batteries. She's also a driving force behind pioneering diagnostic approaches and protocols crucial for verifying the reliability and performance of battery systems, cells, and materials. Previously, Dr. Maher held pivotal roles such as Research Fellow and Project Leader at the Joint Future Mobility Research Lab in collaboration with the BMW Group and Nanyang Technological University in Singapore. During this tenure, her primary focus was on ensuring the safety and diagnosing BMW electric car batteries, addressing the critical issue of thermal runaway hazards in vehicles. Dr. Maher earned her PhD from Cadi Ayyad University in Morocco in January 2011, where her research significantly contributed to the advancement of novel phosphate and oxide materials tailored for high-energy lithium-ion batteries. Complementing her academic journey, she conducted research as a Guest Researcher at the Angström Laboratory, Department of Material Chemistry, Uppsala University in Sweden. Post-PhD, she expanded her insights at the Energy Research Institute of Nanyang Technological University in Singapore, contributing to the innovation of a groundbreaking method for assessing battery state of charge (SOC) and state of health (SOH) through thermodynamic properties. Subsequently, she embarked on a journey with TUM CREATE Ltd in Singapore, delving into the in-depth analysis of batteries' thermodynamic and kinetic attributes.
Meet our Keynote Speakers
Dr. Georg Angenendt is a scientist and entrepreneur with expertise in utility-scale battery energy storage systems (BESS). His research on testing, modeling, commissioning, and optimization of battery storage systems has been published in international journals and at conferences. Since 2020, he is the Chief Technology Officer at ACCURE Battery Intelligence, developing advanced analytics software to help companies assess battery risk, ensure safety, and maximize asset value. His personal passion is Martial Arts: mixed martial arts, luta livre, grappling, boxing and Brazilian jiu-jitsu. List of peer-reviewed journal papers:
John Graham Walker: I am a graduating Masters (MS) Biosystems Engineering student at Clemson University in August 2023 (6 years research exp). I have a Biosystems engineering background with research focuses in designing algae carbon capture systems, hydrogen fuel cells, biosolids reduction and usage, and marine oyster reef restoration. Currently I am a process engineering for Isomer Project Group. we take on the emerging technologies that want to help make our world sustainable and walk our clients from feasibility all the way to construction. I am experienced in aquacultural system design and implementation. My research on algae carbon capture (CO2 mass transfer) has given me extensive experience in modelling and statistical analysis/data science from my thesis work at Clemson (advanced least squares analysis). My research was multidisciplinary, which required teamwork, dedication, and a certain kind of passion to see it through. CarbonCents, a Clemson carbon offsets consultant company, worked on our team to bring our algae capture to market. Additionally, I have been in the Non-profit world as an executive coordinator for SCHPCA, a health climate advocacy group in SC
Dr. Richard Navarro, CEO of Renewable Ocean Energy, Inc, and inventor, has 14 inventions, 6 patents issued, 1 pending, 160 presentations, and authored Resurrection of the Blue Planet. He holds a Ph.D. in Hearing and Speech Science from Vanderbilt U, School of Medicine, is a former professor, and serial entrepreneur with over 50 years of experience. He has a passion for protecting the Earth and finding innovative solutions to common problems and leads a team of engineers and business people.
Michael ‘Mik’ Carbajales-Dale heads the E3 Systems Analysis group. He joined Clemson University in August 2014 as an Assistant Professor in the Environmental Engineering & Earth Sciences department. Before joining Clemson, Mik was an Energy Systems Analyst with Stanford’s Environmental Assessment & Optimization Lab and with the Global Climate & Energy Project (GCEP). His research focuses on the long-term, large-scale evolution and dynamics of the energy-economy system, especially how development of energy resources affects social development and the effects of a future transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy technologies. Prior to this, Mik undertook his Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering with the Advanced Energy and Material Systems (AEMS) Laboratory at the University of Canterbury, New Zealand. His doctoral thesis was Global Energy Modelling - A Biophysical Approach (GEMBA), which married net energy analysis with systems dynamic modelling to study the interaction of the global economy with the energy sector. Mik also carried out a number of community-based energy-related projects whilst in New Zealand, being especially involved with Transition initiatives: local groups seeking innovative ways to address the twin challenges of Peak Oil and Climate Change.
Kamyar Mehran (M’09, SM’20) is currently anAssociate Professor in Electrical Power Engineering at Queen Mary University in London and the director of the Real-Time Power and Control System (RPCS) Laboratory at the school of EECS. He received his PhD in Electrical and Electronic Engineering and MSc in Control and Automation from Newcastle University, UK, in 2010 and 2004, respectively. His area of research interests is developing novel control methodologies and condition monitoring systems for islanded DC microgrids, energy storage systems, and Silicon Carbide (SiC)-based power electronics where he published over 90+ peer-reviewed journal and conference publications, and several book chapters. He also has an extensive track record in collaborative research projects with totalling £3.64M of external funding as a principal investigator and co-investigator supported by UKRI research councils including Innovate UK, Royal Society, Newton fund, EPSRC and industry. He is a member and reviewer for EPSRC college. He serves on the editorial boards for several SCI journals. From 2013 to 2015, he was a research fellow at the University of Warwick, UK, and from 2010-2013 he was a research associate at Newcastle University where he also acted as a commercialisation manager for a Newcastle university spin-off company developing novel opto-electronics for GaN micro-LEDs. Prior to his academic positions, he collected 8 years of industrial experience in the software engineering roles.
Jianwei Ren obtained his PhD degree from South China University and Technology, China in the field of Chemical Engineering. He is currently working at University of Johannesburg, South Africa as a full professor and serving as the deputy director of ‘Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD) Research Centre’. His research interests cover materials science & manufacturing, H2 & fuel cell technologies, ALD technologies, and system integration. He is the registered professional member of South African Council for Natural Scientific Professions, the Engineering Council of South Africa, the International Society of Electrochemistry, the Royal Society of Chemistry, and rated researcher by the South African National Research Foundation (NRF). He has published over 150 journal articles, 50 conference proceedings, 2 patents, 13 book chapters and presented in over 60 international conferences. Non-scientific interests include sports, history, and travel.
Martin Pasqualetti is a professor in the School of Geographical Sciences and Urban Planning at Arizona State University and former Co-Director of the Energy Policy Information Council (EPIC). He is an elected Fellow of the American Association of Geographers; a recipient of the Alexander and Ilse Melamid Medal (American Geographical Society), and the 2018 Distinguished Alumnus of the Year at the University of California (Riverside). His general research interests encompass three areas of emphasis: energy and society, energy and land use, and renewable energy development. His current research concentrates on the social acceptance of renewable energy landscapes and recycling of energy landscapes. He has served two Arizona governors as chair of the Arizona Solar Energy Advisory Council, and he was as a founding member of the Arizona Solar Center. He serves on 10 editorial boards, including Energy Research & Social Science. He is the ASU liaison to the International Renewable Energy Agency, headquartered in Abu Dhabi. Professor Pasqualetti offers several energy classes, including The Thread of Energy, Energy in the Global Arena, Energy and Environment, Solar Energy Policy, and Recycling Energy Landscapes. He co-founded and was twice elected president of the Energy and Environment Specialty Group of the American Association of Geographers. In addition, he has served as an advisor to the U.S. Congressional Office of Technology Assessment, the Natural Resources Defense Council, Resources for the Future, the U.S. Department of Energy, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Council, the National Academy of Sciences, and the Arizona Energy Office. Professor Pasqualetti has published books on wind power, renewable energy landscapes, the geography of energy, nuclear power plant decommissioning, and landscape evolution, as well as more than 100 articles and book chapters on energy and environment topics. He has worked in the U.S., Mexico, Canada, the United Kingdom, Turkey, the Czech Republic, Palestine, Oman, Israel, China, Singapore, Guyana and the United Arab Emirates.
Giuseppe Pulighe currently works at CREA - Research Center for Agricultural Policies and Bioeconomy, Council for Agricultural Research and Agricultural Economy Analysis, Rome, Italy. M.Sc. in Agricultural Science and Technology. Master of Science in GIS. His research activities mainly deal with ecohydrological modeling, agronomy, climate change and land use change impacts, Irrigation and water management, remote sensing, and GIS. He has authored or co-authored over 60 journal publications and conference contributions. Regularly serves as a reviewer for international scientific journals. Instructor of Hydrological Modelling with SWAT+.
Anthony Howell is an Associate Professor of Public Policy and Management in the School of Public Affairs at Arizona State University. Prior to ASU, he served as an Assistant/Associate Professor of Applied Microeconomics in the School of Economics at Peking University, China's flagship university. Anthony previously served as a Fulbright scholar at the Lincoln Institute of Urban Development and Land Policy (Beijing), a Science & Technology fellow at the National Academies of Sciences (Washington D.C.), and a research fellow at the Asian Development Bank (Manila). Anthony holds a PhD in Geography (UCLA), M.S. degrees in Statistics (UCLA) and GIScience (MSU), and B.A degrees in Political Science, International Development, and Chinese studies (MSU). His research interests intersect the fields of quantitative economic geography, migration, economic development, firm growth, entrepreneurship and innovation, and policy evaluation with a strong regional expertise in China and the Asia-Pacific.
My life's aspirations and perception of the world can be described by the words of the English poet William Blake: To see a World in a Grain of Sand And a Heaven in a Wild Flower, Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand And Eternity in an hour. I have studied, sought, striven, and attained; I am currently: Chairman of the Senate of the University of Liepaja, Director of the Institute of Sciences and Innovative Technologies, Director of the Smart Technology study program. I'm happy with what I've done and I hope there's more to come; I am happy to have the opportunity to involve young people in research and I believe that they will achieve even more.
"Dr. Lawrence B. Wilcox is an experienced engineer and research scientist in the fields of mechanical engineering, petroleum engineering, and computational geomechanics with more than 15 years of combined work experience in the energy industry and academia. Dr Wilcox holds a PhD in petroleum engineering, an MSc in oil & gas engineering, and a BEng in mechanical engineering. His areas of expertise are geomechanics, advanced manufacturing technology, numerical simulation, computational modelling, and offshore well integrity. Lawrence has worked and lived in Canada, Netherlands, England, USA, Nigeria, and currently resides in Scotland where he works as a Research Fellow at the National Decommissioning Centre — conducting research in offshore energy decarbonisation, infrastructure re-use & repurposing, and energy transition on the Data for Net Zero (D4NZ) project. He works with a team of researchers to develop tools for quantifying and reducing greenhouse gas emissions associated with decommissioning offshore energy assets, and the possibility to re-use and re-purpose oil & gas infrastructure for renewable energy generation."
Naiara Ortiz de MendÃbil is Secretary General of Sedigas (Spanish Gas Association) since October 2021, representing the gas sector in various national and international institutions as Eurogas, Marcogaz and IGU. She is the chairman of the Sustainability Committee in IGU (International Gas Union) during the trienium 2022 - 2025). She joined Sedigas in 2008, as secretary of different business committees (Transmission, Distribution and Shippers companies) and technical committees (Renewables, Sustainability, Health&Safety), her last five years she has been involved In promoting renewable gases and hydrogen. She has worked in the environmental sector from the very start of her professional career as a consultant in an international company. Quote I think that it is very important to work in renewable gases in this moment that we need to reduce the dependecy of Europe in Russian's gas and there is not a better way than promoting renewable gases as biomethane and hydrogen for the energy transition.
We will update soon....
Meet our Invited Speakers
My name is Anja Rajic and I am working at the insitute of joining and welding in the department of battery research. I studied mechanical engineering during my bachelor studies and switched to electrical engineering for my master degree. During my master studies I worked at the Fraunhofer Institute in the simulation of the battery production, where I first got in touch with lithium ion batteries. While looking for a topic for my master thesis I applied at the institute of joining and welding. After being a working student for a year in the battery research, I wrote my master thesis concerning electrode structuring of lithium ion batteries. I started working at the institute in April 2023 with the aim to write a doctoral thesis in the future. Since then I am working on two different projects. The abstract is based on a project called CircularLib, where we are working on the recycling of lithium ion batteries. The other project is called MoNoPoLi, a junior research group of Maja W. Kandula, where we are working on new binder systems.
AyÅŸe Yarangünü was born in 1993 in Berlin, Germany. Afterwards she moved to Morsbach, where she visited the elementary school, middle school and high school. 2012 she started her study in Bachelor of Chemistry in Cologne, where she graduated in 2017 and started her Master’s degree. 2018 she did a DAAD internship at Lisbon where she also worked in the Group of Prof. Pombeiro about the transesterification reactions of aromatic esters. 2021 she finished her master study with a master thesis about the “Anionic Polymerization of hydroxytelechelic Polystyrene as Softsegment Components for Polyurethan Synthesisâ€. September 2021, she started her scientific works at the TU Braunschweig in the Group of Prof. K. Dilger in the department for electromobility and works on polymeric binders for LIBs.
Khalid Javed belongs from Pakistan, where he was born in 1990. He earned his Bachelor's degree in Electronics Engineering from BUITEMS University, Quetta, Pakistan, in 2013, followed by a Master's degree in Electrical (Power) Engineering from COMSATS University, Pakistan, in 2016. In pursuit of advanced studies, Khalid boarded on his doctoral journey in Electromechanical Engineering at Ghent University, Belgium, in 2018, where he continues to be actively engaged. Concurrently, he holds membership in the Flanders Make Research Cluster on Control and Decisions. Khalid's research pursuits center on the domains of identification, monitoring, dynamical modelling, and smart control theory as applied to power converters and electrical drives. His scholarly endeavours aim to advance understanding and innovation in these critical areas of electrical engineering. ORCiD ID:
Joudi Dibsi, a dedicated project manager pursuing a Master of Engineering Management at The University of Wollongong in Dubai, is set to graduate this year. A certified Project Management Professional (PMP) and member of the esteemed organization PMI. She received a grant for a research assistantship from Wollongong University. Joudi's research contributions include the publication of 'Data Management for Environmentally Sustainable and Profitable Business: Evidence from the Food Retail Industry' in the peer-reviewed Swiss Journal Sustainability MDPI. Her professional journey spans roles in education, finance, and event management, including valuable contributions to the COP28 project, where she optimized processes using project management software.
Safia Hameed is a young PhD research scholar funded by the Green PON Italian Ministry scholarship in the field of Information Engineering and Nanotechnology. She is perusing her PhD under the supervision of professor Elisabetta Comini with the title of her thesis: Nanostructure material for the production of clean Hydrogen from biomethane/biogas. She have expertise in the field of Nanomaterials, Nanocatalyst, Blue Hydrogen, Methane reforming, Carbon cracking, Sustainable energy, Characterizations, Gas sensing and biological activities and have been able to publish 18 research/review articles and a patent ( ) so far in the reputed international journals. She did research work and collaborations with different research institutions internationally such as: granted as a CERIC fully funded visiting researcher at National Institute of Material Physics (NIMP), Bucharest, Romania, worked as a visiting researcher at Instituto De Carboquimica, Zaragoza, Spain, worked at NIFA (National Institute of Food and Agriculture and NCP (National Centre for Physics).
Boško JOSIMOVIĆ is PhD in spatial planning and Principal Research Fellow with over 20 years experience in environmental planning, renewable energies planning, waste management, engaged in 8 national and international scientific projects regarding environmental planning (including planning of renewable energy projects). Team leader in over 70 Strategic Environmental Assessments (SEA) in the Western Balkan region. Expert in Multi Criteria Evaluation (MCE), SEA, EIA and ESIA. He published over 100 articles in the top ranked international journals and conferences, and authored over 20 technological development solutions in the area of renewable energy sources. He is the author of three scientific books, among them the Spatial Aspects of the Impact of Wind Farms on the Environment (
Reda S. Salama is currently a full assistant professor at Faculty of Engineering - Delta University for Science and Technology, Egypt. I received his BSc degree from Mansoura University, Egypt in 2010, MSc degree from Mansoura University in 2013 and my PhD also from Mansoura University in 2019. I am a director of quality assurance unit at faculty of Engineering in Delta University for Science and Technology from 2021 until now. My research interests include: (i) synthesis and characterization of carbon-based materials for adsorption and catalysis; (ii) synthesis and applications of MOFs; (iii) water purification by advanced oxidation processes, especially photocatalysis; (iv) Carbon monoxide oxidation and (v) preparation and characterization of metal-based materials from wastes for energy storage supercapacitor. I am a co-author of around 30 refereed journal publications with more than 600 citations and H-index of 15. I have presented over 30 works to national and international journals and conferences. I am worked with different entities: national, integrated or cooperative with other countries (Egypt, China, USA, Saudi Arabia, united states of emirates, Yemen)
Ljiljana Kontic is an Associate Professor at Faculty of Business and Law, University MB, Belgrade, Serbia. She holds Ph.D. in Strategic Management from University of Belgrade, Faculty of Economics. Her main research focuses on strategic organizational behavior, corporate entrepreneurship, innovation management, privatization and restructuring processes in transitional economies, and sustainable economic development in Western Balkan countries. She is a member of ACIEK, European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS), and UDEKOM.
Naveed Ahmad is working as Assistant Professor at Department of Physics, Mirpur University of Science and Technology (MUST) Pakistan completed his Graduation from BZU Multan in 2002, appointed as Lecturer in Physics at Government Degree College Baisrpur Okara in 2005. Then he moved to Leiden University Netherlands and completed one year professional research training from Graduate school of Science in 2008. He joined MUST in 2010. He completed his M.Phil. Applied Physics in the field of semiconductors. He completed his PhD research work from National Institute of Lasers and Optronics (NILOP), constitute college of Pakistan Institute of Engineering & Applied Sciences (PIEAS) Islamabad and PhD in 2018. His PhD research work was mainly focused on the analytical characterization of some food items like extra virgin olive oil and clarified butter employing the potential of Raman and Fluorescence spectroscopy. Using laser based spectroscopy, he studied the natural composition of the extra virgin olive and desi ghee along with heating effects on their nutritional ingredients. Using nondestructive laser based techniques he successfully defined the best cooking temperature range with less use of energy sources where extra virgin olive oil retains maximum of its natural nutritional ingredients. He was also involved in the characterization of liquefied butter, canola and mustard oil which was published in Peer reviewed Journals in form of 12 international publications. Currently, he is focusing his research on the climatic and regional effects on the quality parameters of certain food items and renewable energy sources utilization for the cheap and green energy applications.
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