Meet our Plenary Speakers
Professor Eduard Babulak is accomplished international scholar, researcher, consultant, educator, professional engineer and polyglot. Professor Babulak is Fellow of the Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce (FRSA), Chartered Fellow of British Computer Society (FBCS), Senior Member of ACM, Mentor and Senior Member of IEEE, served as a Chair of the IEEE Vancouver Ethics, Professional and Conference Committee. His academic and engineering work was recognized internationally by the Engineering Council in UK, European Federation of Engineers and credited by the British Columbia and Ontario Society of Professional Engineers in Canada. Keynote Speaker at the UKSim2011 Symposium, University of Cambridge, March 2011 and March 2010; Plenary Keynote Speaker at the International Conference on Advances in Computing and ,Communications 2011 (ACC-2011), in Kochi, India; Invited Panel Speaker at the ITU Kaleidoscope Conference, Dec. 2010 in Pune, India; Panel Speaker at the KIZUNA WINDS Symposium Tokyo Feb 2010; Invited Speaker at National University of Yokohama and University of Electro-Communications in Tokyo, December 2009; Invited Panel Chair and Speaker at MIT, USA, May 2010 and September 2005; Expert-Evaluator for the European Commission in Brussels, June, 2007. Professor Babulak research interests are in Cyberspace, Security, Future Networks and Ubiquitous Computing and QoS, E-Commerce, E-Health, IT, MIS, Applied Informatics in Transportation, E-Manufacturing, Human Centric Computing, E-Learning, Automation and Applied Mathematics. Professor Babulak speaks 14 languages, a member of the Institution of Engineering Technology (MIET), American Society for Engineering Education (MASEE), American Mathematical Association (MAMA) and Mathematical Society of America (MMSA).
Dr. Shivakumar is the Director of Center for Composite Materials Research and NASA Funded Center for Aviation Safety at North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University (A&T). He received B.E. and M.E. in Civil Engineering from Bangalore University and Indian Institute of Science, respectively, and Ph.D. in Aeronautical Engineering from Indian Institute of Science, India. His research and technical activities includes polymer based composite materials and structures; fracture mechanics, and novel concepts and models to address challenging problems in Structures and Materials. Before joining A&T in1991 Dr. Shivakumar worked NASA Langley Research Center, Old Dominion University and Analytical Services and Materials Inc., for about 12 years. NASA, ONR, ARMY, AFRL, NSF, and FAA and industries like Lockheed Martin, Boeing, Atlantic Research Corporation, GE-Aircraft Engines, and 3TEX Inc. have funded Dr. Shivakumar’s research at A&T. He received more than $15m as a Principal Investigator. Dr. Shivakumar has successfully collaborated with a number of universities including University of MD (College Park), University of Mississippi, University of Tennessee, University of Utah, UC-Berkley Harvard University and S. J. College of Engineering, Mysuru India. Dr. Shivakumar has served in government, industry, and universities. He advised and gr adu a t ed 20 Ph.D. s tudent s and more than 60 M.S. students at NC A&T and other universities. Dr. Shivakumar has published more than 250 peer-reviewed articles in journals and conferences. Dr. Shivakumar is an Associate Fellow of AIAA, member of ASME and ASC. He is has conducted a number of national and international conferences and workshops. He worked in number of technical committees and societies, specifically in advancing materials and structures. Dr. Shivakumar was an Associate Editor of AIAA journal and Member of Board of Editors of Computer Modeling and Engineering Sciences. He is a reviewer for a number of journals in structures and materials and reviewed Ph.D. dissertations for a number of international universities/institutions. Dr. Shivakumar has received many awards from NASA, AIAA, AS & M Inc., North Carolina A&T State University, and Indian Institute of Science. Dr. Shivakumar has two patents and a several copyrighted software codes and test fixtures. Currently, Dr. Shivakumar’s research is supported/collaborated by a number of faculty from College of Engineering and College of Arts & Science, Research associates, technical staff and about ten M.S and Ph.D. students.
Dr Yan Zhang is a Professor in Structural engineering and theProfessorialleads in Research Education, at Universityof South Australia (UniSA). She was appointed as the Australian Research Council (ARC) College of Expert since 2019. Yan has lectured in several Australian universities for more than 25 years. Her main research interests include green concrete materials, fibre composite materials and structures. She has published more than 180 SCI technical papers in the referred international journals and has been invited as a Plenary/keynote speaker at international conferences. Yan has won several Australian government awards and fellowships and attracted funding from Australian Research council (ARC) and industry. She was the winner of 2018 South Australia Winnovation award in Engineering category.
Ivo Caliò received his PhD in Structural Engineering in 1995 investigating the large displacement response of structures subjected to uplift foundations during earthquakes. In 1997 he started is academic career at the University of Catania in Italy where he continued his research on nonlinear dynamics and earthquake engineering. He supervised many PhD students and post-doctoral researches working on seismic vulnerability and retrofitting of existing buildings not designed to resist earthquakes and proposed a new computational strategy for the simulation of the nonlinear behaviour of masonry structures known as Discrete Macro-Element Method (DMEM). In 2009 he initiated a research group, involving many PhD students and academic researchers, for the development of advanced structural engineering software based on the DMEM, suitable both for academic investigations and practical engineering. Within this research topic two structural analysis programs have been developed: 3DMacro for masonry buildings and HiStrA (Historical Structure Analysis) focused on the Structural Assessment of Historical Monumental Structures and Masonry Bridges. A key feature of his work has been extensive international collaboration with fellow academics particularly in Portugal and UK. From 2012 he is collaborating with Prof Paulo Lourenco of the university of Minho and his research team on the use and validation of the DMEM for masonry monumental structures and masonry bridge. In 2015 he started a collaboration with Prof Bassam Izzuddin of the Imperial College of London on the seismic vulnerability assessment and innovative retrofitting strategies of buildings not designed to resist earthquakes. A key feature of this research has been the use of high fidelity models, implemented in the software ADAPTIC developed by Prof Izzuddin, capable of considering progressive collapse scenario, triggered by earthquakes, and accounting for the contribution of non-structural elements. Aiming at identifying suitable retrofitting strategies for existing buildings, innovative low impact solutions have been proposed some of them have already been applied. His publication record exceeds 200 papers in leading international journal and conferences.
Antonio Carcaterra is full professor at Dept. of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering of the Sapienza University, Rome, and Director of the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering. He is director of the Laboratory of Mechatronics, and has been director of the PhD program in “Theoretical and Applied Mechanicsâ€, of the doctoral school “Science and Technology for Engineering Innovationâ€, and of the Mechanical Engineering Course. He has been Adjunct Professor from 2006 to 2010 at the Dept. of Mechanical Engineering at Carnegie Mellon University, USA. He is also president of the Consortium Sapienza Innovazione, and served as member and president in many university committees for patents, startup and innovation, as well as a member of the scientific board of the National Institute of Naval Architecture (INSEAN –CNR, 2006-2010). Member of the Aerospace Committee of the national Association of Engineers (since 2020), member of the national commission for safety of transport systems of the Ministry of Transport since (2013-2018), he is actually coordinator and director of many national and international research projects related to fundamental and industrial research. He is Senior Fellow of the SSSA the School for Advanced Studies of Sapienza, since 2018. He teaches three courses for the programs of Mechanical Engineering and Control and Automation Engineering: Mechatronics, Vehicle System Dynamics, Mechanical Vibrations. Antonio Carcaterra is author of about 200 publications in international journals, conference proceedings, book chapters and more than 10 patents. Has been an invited lecturer and keynote speaker in many international conferences and visiting professor in several universities in Europe and the United States, working in fields related to structural dynamics and modeling of dynamical systems. He is director of many projects of innovation funded, in the last 6 years, with more than 10 millions euros, both from private industries as well as from public institutions. Scientific interests: mechatronics, multi-physics systems, autonomous guidance and control, structural dynamics, vibrations.
Professor Zhongwei Guan is Executive Director of Advanced Materials Research Centre of Technology Innovation Institute in Abu Dhabi. He received his first degree on Solid Mechanics in Sichuan University China in 1982 and was awarded PhD in Structural Behaviour of Polymeric Pipelining in University of Bradford UK in 1993. He was Reader in Lightweight Composite Materials and Structures at the University of Liverpool. He has published more than 180 SCI papers in refereed leading international journals (+250 conference papers) on lightweight composite structures subjected to extreme loading conditions such as projectile impact and blast, covering fibre metal laminates, PVC foam-based sandwiches and SLM lattice structures, corrugated sandwiches, timber structures, high temperature TP prepreg, etc., with a h-index of 44 in Google Scholar and citation more than 6200. He was Chairman of the 5th International Conference on Computational Methods held in Cambridge in 2014. He is a member of editorial board of International Journal of Impact Engineering, Applied Composite Materials and Advanced Materials Letter. He also serves as a scientific committee member of more than 25 international conferences and has given more than 30 keynotes, thematic and plenary speeches.
Meet our Keynote Speakers
With an MSC in mechanical engineering with a thesis on electrical strain gauges, he worked for about 10 years in the aeronautical field (structures and composites) and then set up his own company which today represents a reality in the field of structural diagnostics and monitoring, with pre-eminent applications of a civil, infrastructural and historical architectural nature. For over twenty years he has focused his interest on experimental dynamics with particular attention to the operational modal analysis (OMA), without disdaining the classic modal (EMA) and the impulsive one, with instrumented hammer, referring to the best tools available on the market. To date he has performed over 200 OMA on artefacts of various kinds, mainly large in size. Despite the strong involvement in the field of structural diagnostics (he is currently completing an impressive investigation at the Crypta Balbi, a symbolic representation of Rome over the centuries), the activities relating to monitoring, both static and dynamic , are becoming increasingly predominant, with the implementation of monitoring projects (Sicily portion of the Mille Ponti project by ANAS) and turnkey systems (Foro Viaduct on the A24 highway by ASPI and Serra Cazzola - AG viaduct by ANAS). His collaborations with important national and foreign companies are numerous. We mention the partnership with DEWESoft, for the development of instrumentation dedicated to civilians, with CESTEL, for the integration of the dynamic weighing system (WIM) with monitoring over time (SHM) and with OSMOS. His activity in the experimental and research field is intense, with numerous and varied collaborations with the academic world, with the production of scientific papers in international journals, presentation at conferences, free teaching, co-supervisor of degree theses and organization of frequent seminars. At the moment, together with the Department of Computer Science of Rome Tor Vergata, it is integrating the WIM system with the SHM, using the modern tools that Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence make available, for the creation of a predictive model on the health of bridges and viaducts.
Prof. Abeer S. Y. Mohamed, FHEA-UK: Building Technologies Expert Abeer Samy is a professor at Effat College of Architecture & Design. She is originally a professor of building technology at Tanta Univ. with 26 years of academic and professional experience. She is a leading figure in the field of Building Technology Applications in Architecture & Urban Design with 40 international indexed publications. She was awarded UNEP International – Silver Award for Liveable Communities 2018. She is a member of The Formal Heritage Conservation Committee El Gharbia Governorate, Egypt since 2010
I am currently working as a research expert in several companies in Jakarta and also as a lecturer in Industrial Engineering at the University of Pamulang, South Tangerang, Banten, Indonesia. Along with these two activities, I am also an Engineering Doctorate graduated from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia.
Coming from a background in astrophysics, Prof. Carrigan changed her research focus to building physics in 2014 and became the assistant professor at the Department of Building Physics / Low-Energy Buildings at the University of Kaiserslautern-Landau (RPTU) in 2016, specialising in building physics modelling and simulations. In 2019 she received a call for the appointment to the university professorship "Building Physics" at Graz University of Technology, Austria, which she declined. Since 2020 Prof. Carrigan is extraordinary professor at the RPTU. She is a reviewer of research proposals for various German Ministries and other national funding/research institutions as well as for different scientific journals and for proceedings of German and international conferences. She is a member in scientific committees of different German and international conferences. She has published more than 80 scientific papers and is currently coordinating multiple projects for the department.
Prof. Dr. Chee-Ming Chan is currently a Professor with the Department of Civil Engineering Technology, Faculty of Engineering Technology, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia. She is also a Chartered Engineer with the Institution of Engineering & Technology, UK. Dr. Chan was previously a postdoctoral visiting scholar at the Port and Airport Research Institute in Japan from 2009-2011. Dr. Chan’s first degree (BSc. Civil Eng.) was awarded by KUiTHO-UTM, Malaysia in 2001. She then pursued her PhD in Geotechnical Engineering at the University of Sheffield (UK) on the Ministry of Science, Technology & Innovation, MOSTI’s scholarship, returning in 2006 to serve at the present university. Dr. Chan is member to several key societies relevant to her profession, namely International Society of Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ISSMGE), Southeast Asian Geotechnical Society (SEAGS), International Geosynthetics Society- Malaysian Chapter (MyIGS), Board of Engineers Malaysia (BEM), Institution of Engineers Malaysia (IEM), Society of Engineering Education Malaysia (SEEM) and Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM). She is also serving as the Secretary for MyIGS since 2018, facilitating the coordination of engagement between industry and universities, particularly in the field of geosynthetics applications. Dr. Chan has authored over 150 technical papers, including entries in seminars, conferences and journals, as well as 3 modules for undergraduate courses. She has published a book, The Sinking Earth, in 2012, an easy-to-read introductory book to ground improvement techniques. Her research interests have always revolved around sustainable geotechnics, with innovations to make poor quality soils into usable materials. Indeed, Dr. Chan has for the past decade in active collaboration with the Marine Department of Malaysia and various industrial as well as research instituional counterparts to explore the fundamental characteristics of dredged marine soils from Malaysian and regional waters, with the aim of transforming the otherwise discarded materials into useful recycled geo-materials. Her research effort in this direction has received recognition with the award of several grants worth over 150,000 USD from various national agencies and the industry. Steadfast in her belief that research findings should be channeled to greater good of the people and beyond, Dr. Chan is striving towards engaging more industrial players in addressing the issue of inappropriate disposal of dredged marine soils, and encouraging the reuse of the material based on reliable scientific discoveries while sharing and disseminating research-based knowledge, skills and technology. It is her hope that Malaysia will one day, in a future not too far away, become a regional leader in giving beneficial second lives to these geo-wastes, consequentially contribute to nature conservation and resources optimization. As an academic,3/3 Dr. Chan is also appointed as Accreditation Panelist for Civil Engineering and Geotechnical Enginering by the Malaysian Qualification Agency (MQA), as well as Engineering Technology Accreditation Council (ETAC) of the Board of Engineers Malaysia (BEM). Besides, she is regularly consulted on academic programme development, reviews and revisions. Her close working relationship with the industry has enabled insights for continuous improvement of the engineering / engineering technology programmes, with closing of the university-industry gap via better engagement, feedback and improvement.
Meet our Invited Speakers
Dr. Thanikella Vijayasri presently working as Geotechnical Engineer at Jacobs India PVT Ltd received B.E. and M.E. in Civil Engineering from Andhra University and Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, respectively, and Ph.D. in Civil Engineering from Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, India, and Post Doc from Indian Institute of Science Bangalore, INDIA. Her main research interests include Soil Dynamics and Earthquake engineering, Constitutive modelling of soils, Ground Improvement, Reinforced soil structures, Soil Foundation Structure Interactions, Offshore Geotechnics, Rock Mechanics, and Machine Foundations. She has published technical papers in the most referred international journals like ASCE, Taylor and Francis, Springer and Soils and Foundations and has been invited as an Organizing committee member at international conferences. Won several fellowships from India. She is a reviewer for several international journals in Civil engineering like ASCE and ASTM and reviewed Ph.D.
Yahia M. S. Ali is a Postdoc Fellow at the School of Civil Engineering, Southeast University, Nanjing, Jiangsu, China, and a Lecturer at the Department of Civil Engineering, Assiut University, Assiut, Egypt. He received his BS and MSc in structural engineering from Assiut University. His research interests include structural design and the analysis and testing of concrete structures reinforced with fiberreinforced polymers (FRPs), particularly in large-scale experimental investigation and numerical simulation of RC elements under static or fatigue loading in addition to strengthening of RC structures.
Younes Salami is a full professor at the National school of architecture of Fès (Morocco). He obtained his PhD from école Centrale de Nantes (France), studying the mechanical behavior of granular materials. He has had various research experiences at Laval University (Canada), Polytechnic University of Catalunya (Spain), Technical university of Graz (Austria). He is currently involved in research dealing with the long-term behavior of granular and porous materials within the context of civil engineering. Younes Salami is strongly involved in various national and international scientific collaborations, has (co-)authored several peer-reviewed publications, and contributed to many conferences, webinars and courses. He is also active in the consulting activity for public and private entities operating in the sectors of civil and geotechnical engineering.
I am Dr. Ravi Nigam, completed my Ph.D from Indian Institute of Technology Dhanbad in the area of mechanical engineering design on Oct 2022. I have been research project fellow in the DST (Government of India) sponsored project for 2.5 years. I have published five research papers in the top reputed journals (SCI indexed) and also presented many research papers in the national and International conferences across the globe. Recently, I have also been invited as Invited Speaker in an international forum in Portugal, Europe. Presently I am working for Swami Vivekananda University, Kolkata, India as an assistant professor.
Dr. Abbasali Sadeghi is currently a lecturer in Department of Civil Engineering at Islamic Azad University of Birjand Branch, Iran. He has obtained his BSc in Civil Engineering from Islamic Azad University of Birjand Branch and MSc and PhD degrees in Structural Engineering from Islamic Azad University of Mashhad Branch, Iran. Later he has worked as a research assistant in Concrete Technology Research Center of Islamic Azad University, Birjand Branch, Iran. Also, he has been working in construction industry for several years. His current research interests are concrete construction, progressive collapse, reliability analysis, and application of smart materials in buildings. He has published technical papers in the most referred international journals like Elsevier and Springer. He also serves as a reviewer of many international journals supported by Elsevier, John Wiley, Springer, SAGE, Hindawi, MDPI, Emerald, and ASCE.
Dr. Krishnan K has completed his Bachelor of Engineering (B.E.) in Civil Engineering from Anna University, Tamil Nadu, India in the year 2012. He worked as Assistant Engineer in URC Constructions Private Ltd., for around 2 year. He then obtained his Master of Technology (M. Tech) in Geotechnical Engineering from National Institute of Technology, Rourkela in the year 2017. In the same year, he joined the Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, West Bengal, India as an Institute Research Scholar to pursue his Doctor of Philosophy (PhD). His areas of interest is computational geomechanics, probabilistic analysis, shakedown analysis, soil-structure interaction and finite element analysis. He has seven journal papers in esteemed journals. He is presently working as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Civil Engineering, Kumaraguru College of Technology, Tamil Nadu, India.
Dr. Abhishek Jindal is currently working with Department of Civil Engineering, SOET, Central University of Haryana as an Assistant Professor. Prior to this he has worked with organisations like BML Munjal University and UPES Dehradun. Dr. Jindal obtained his Master's and Doctorate from Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee in years 2012 and 2017 respectively with specialisation in Transportation Engineering. His research interests include rigid pavement, pavement materials, alternate / recycle
The construction sector has a significant and direct relationship with the development and growth of countries. Meanwhile, the population growth and the massive expansion of buildings and infrastructure projects keep up with living standards, generating more construction waste. Knowing the categorization for the CDW is very important to get better.
Hassaan Ahmad Butt graduated from the School of Chemical and Materials Engineering of the National University of Sciences and Technology in Islamabad, Pakistan in 2012. His thesis centered around the interaction of specialized materials with electromagnetic radiation. He was awarded a national fellowship based on his project work in 2011 until his graduation, upon which he joined service as a Government Researcher. During his tenure as a researcher, Hassaan’s work focused on various projects which included ceramic materials, specialized composite materials, composite sandwich structures, polymers and nano-particles. The application of this work was mainly around composite structures. In 2014, Hassaan was awarded a full ride scholarship from the China Scholarship Council for pursuing his Maters studies at the Harbin Institute of Technology in China. He graduated in 2017 with his thesis work centering around Carbon Fiber Composites. He graduated with his PhD in Materials Science and Engineering in 2023, and his thesis focused on nanocomposite monitoring using novel carbon nano-species. Post-graduation, he joined the Laboratory of Nanomaterials at Skoltech as a Research Scientist. Currently, his research centers around nanocomposite manufacturing, multifunctional nanocomposites, smart structures, and electrically conductive polymers for structural applications.
Dr.Biao HU is currently an Assistant Professor at the College of Civil and Transportation Engineering, Shenzhen University, P.R. China. He obtained his Ph.D. from the City University of Hong Kongin 2017. His main research focuses on composite materials & structures, structural retrofitting, and sustainable construction materials. He has published more than40 technical papers in international journals and conference proceedings (including 41 SCI papers), and these worksreceived more than 830 citations recorded in Google Scholar. He is the principal investigator of 4 research projects and the co-investigator of more than 10 research projects. He serves as the editorial board member of several journals (Journal of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering,Building Technology Research and Construction Progress) and the guest editor of two SCI journals. He is a regular reviewer of more than 30 peer-reviewed international SCI journals. He received the Moisseiff Award from the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) in 2018.
PhD in Architecture (2011-2017) dual degree ´Genetic algorithms applied to parametric environmental design´. University of Seville, High Technical School of Architecture, Seville, Spain and Universidad Nacional de La Plata, School of Architecture and Urbanism, La Plata, Argentina/ • Advanced Architectural Design Master Program (2004-2007) Universidad de Buenos Aires- School of Architecture, Design and Urbanism, Argentina, completed without thesis • Architect (1977-1982) Universidad Nacional de La Plata, School of Architecture and Urbanism, La Plata, Buenos Aires Province, Argentina
BURHAN KUBILAY KAPTAN was born in 1970 in Trabzon, Turkey. Kaptan completed his high school education in Istanbul and Toronto. Kaptan graduated from the Civil Engineering Department of Istanbul Technical University in 1993. In the same year, he was accepted to BoÄŸaziçi University Civil Engineering Department and completed his master’s degree in 1995. Kaptan, who started his doctoral education at BoÄŸaziçi University, received the title of PhD in 2004. He’s worked for construction companies in Turkey, Kosovo, Pakistan and the United Arab Emirates. He’s also served as a construction delegate on behalf of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) in Switzerland, India, Eritrea and Afghanistan. The first book of Kaptan, “Scientists†was published in 2016; His second book, “Reflectionsâ€, was published in 2017 and his last book, “Baby Dollâ€, was published in 2021. Kaptan's last novel about the “German Empire- 1922/1923†is in the process of being published. Kaptan, who has given lectures at different universities throughout his academic career, continues his academic studies at the University of Minho, Portugal. Kaptan has been living in Braga, Portugal with her family since 2023.
She was born in Catania on May 11, 1970, and is now an associate professor of Geotechnical Engineering at the Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture (DICAR) of the University of Catania. In April 2017, she obtained the National Academic Qualification in Italy as Full Professor in Geotechnical Engineering. In 1999 she received the Geotechnical Engineering Doctor’s degree from the University of Catania. She performed her research at the University of Catania and Bristol University (UK). She won many awards and is a member of many Geotechnical Associations and Editorial Boards of International Journals. She has been teaching: “Geotechnicsâ€, “Foundationsâ€, "Soil Mechanics and Dynamics", and “FEM Laboratory of Geotechnical Engineeringâ€. She taught at different Master of 2nd Level. She has held several lectures on doctoral courses at the University of Catania and Tourin. She has been the scientific director of national and international research projects and has participated in several research programs. She has attended numerous national and international conferences, often presenting her scientific works orally as an invited speaker. She is the author of more than 145 papers published in journals and proceedings of national and international conferences. She has held courses at various Italian Professional Orders in Spoleto, Modena, Catania and the Emilia Romagna Region. She has organized numerous conferences, workshops, and national and international professional courses. Since 2019 she has been the head of the Geotechnical Testing Laboratory of the University of Catania. She is the reference teacher for the University of Catania of three ERASMUS+Programme Agreements. She has been a member of the Doctoral Board at the Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture at the University of Catania since 2006. She is a reviewer for more than 15 international journals.
Dr Jelena Andric is currently an Assistant Professor in Department of Civil Engineering at XJTLU. She has obtained her BSc in Civil Engineering and MSc in civil engineering from the University of Belgrade, Serbia. She continues her further education in China and she has obtained PhD in Civil Engineering from Harbin Institute of Technology. After graduation she was working as a Postdoctoral researcher in the field of construction management at Shenzhen University. Later she has worked as a Lecturer at Western Serbia Academy of applied studies in Serbia. Also, she has been working in construction industry for several years in Hong Kong and Serbia. Some of the projects on which she has participated are related to the Belt and Road Initiative projects between bilateral agreement between China and Serbia. Her current projects are Time and cost overruns in infrastructure and building projects, Sustainability in construction projects, Risk assessment and management of construction projects, Occupational accidents and health and safety measures, Disaster risk assessment, Seismic risk analysis, Flood risk assessment and disaster resilience.
Prof. Daining Fang is an academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences and vice-president of the Chinese Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics. He has published more than 500 papers in reputed journals and has been serving as an editorial board member in several reputed journals of mechanics and materials science.
Giancarlo Paganin (1963), MSc civil engineering, PhD building engineering, Associate Professor of Architectural Technology at Politecnico di Milano, School of Architecture, Urban Planning and Construction Engineering (AUIC). His research and teaching activities at the Department of Architecture and Urban Studies (DASTU) are related to the discipline of architectural technology and construction process, dealing with topics as: project quality; quality and innovation of the building product; quality and innovation of the construction process; safety of people during the use of the built environments and safety of workers during construction of the works; management and maintenance of constructed assets and real estate; risk management ; sustainability and resilience of the built environment; circular economy. In 2018 he obtained the National Scientific Qualification as a full-professor in the sector 08/C1 “Design and technological design of architectureâ€. From 2003 to 2012 he has been Quality Assurance Manager of the Department BEST in Politecnico di Milano managing the implementation of the Quality System in compliance with the ISO 9001 standard for training activities. He’s been member of the Board of Professors of two PhD tracks in Politecnico di Milano. Since 2012 he is a member of the Board of Directors of the Civil Construction Sector of AICQ, the Italian Association for the Culture of Quality.
Meet our Featured Speakers
Angela Fiamingo is a PhD candidate in “Evaluation and Mitigation of Urban and Land Risks†at the Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture, University of Catania, Italy. In 2022-2023, she spent a research period at the University of Canterbury in New Zealand. In 2020, she obtained her MSc degree in Structural and Geotechnical Civil Engineering from the University of Catania, Italy, with full marks and honour. Her current research interests cover the study of the Dynamic Soil-Structure Interaction (DSSI) and the Geotechnical Seismic Isolation (GSI) systems, using soil and rubber grains, manufactured from scrap tyres, disposal of which has become a severe environmental problem worldwide.
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