Dr. Chantal Guillard, obtained is chemical engineer diploma in 1985 at ESCIL (Superior School of Industrial Chemistry of Lyon, and France). In 1989, She became Doctoc-ès-Sciences in Catalysis of University of Lyon, France. She enter to CNRS the same year to work in Photocatalysis with Professor Pierre Pichat and Professor Jean-Marie Herrmann. Now she is CNRS Director at Institute of Researches on Catalysis and Environment (IRCELYON), laboratory entirely dedicated to heterogeneous processes, targets its research activities on sustainable development issues. She is the authors of 210 papers, 346 communications and 8 patents center on Photocatalysis. Her H-factor is 56. Her studies on photocatalysis field are devoted to fundamental researches to better understand the efficiency and mechanisms of photocatalytic reaction in water and air treatment but also on self-cleaning properties and recently on valorization and energy. She also developed some new photocatalytic materials for UV but also visible light activation, especially photocatalytic optical fiber fabrics in collaboration with Brochier Technology Firms. Since 2005, she worked with some microbiologists to improve the knowledge on the inactivation of microorganisms (bacteria and fungi). She also participates to CEN TC 386 working group devoted to the standardization in photocatalysis and involved in the AFNOR body since 2008.