Topics of Discussion/Sessions
We request you to submit a brief idea or abstract of your talk/presentation/symposium/workshop according to your session interest
- 2D Magnetic Materials and Phenomena
- Amorphous Metals, Biological Physics
- Bose-Einstein Condensates
- Computational methods and Applied Physics
- Condensed Matter Theory
- Diffusion
- Disordered Systems and Neural Networks
- Electromagnetism
- Electronic Structure & Phonons
- Ferroelectrics
- Glasses, Ceramics, Polymers & Composites
- Graphene and other Carbon Structures
- Gravitational Force and Dynamics Theory
- Insulators, Semiconductor & Dielectric Material
- Liquid Crystals & Organic Molecular Crystals
- Low Temperature Physics
- Magnetic Systems, Magnetic Resonance and Relaxation
- Magnetism & Spintronics
- Mechanical Properties
- Nano-Electronics , Nano-Optics and Nano-Materials
- Nanoscience, Nanotechnology and Nanostructures
- Nanoscience, Nanotechnology and Nanostructures
- Nanoscience, Nanotechnology and Nanostructures
- Optical Properties of Solid and Liquid Substances
- Particle Physics & Atomic Physics
- Phase transitions, phase ordering and structural ordering of condensed matter.
- Photonic Crystals & Polymers
- Photonic Materials & Devices
- Plastic Crystals & Plastic electronics
- Quantum Field Theory and Non-Perturbative Approaches
- Quantum Fluids and Solids & Quantum Information Processing
- Quantum Mechanics & Quantum Numerical Simulations
- Quantum Phase Transitions
- Quantum Statistical and Many-Body Physics
- Renewable Energy
- Semiconductors and Insulators
- Single Crystals & Noval Materials
- Soft and biological matter
- Soft Condensed Matter, Biophysics and Biomaterials
- Solid and Liquid Structures
- Statistical Mechanics
- Statistical physics of complex systems
- Structural and Dynamical Properties of Solids
- Superconductors & Super fluids
- Surface, interface and low-dimensional physics
- Theoretical and Experimental Condensed Matter Physics
- Thermodynamic Properties and Measurements
- X-Ray Diffraction and Scattering